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How much space does it take to build a set of engineering mixing plant equipment

The construction of a set of engineering mixing plant equipment first requires the design and planning of the system, including the selection and design of the site, the purchase of equipment, and the recruitment of personnel. The selection and planning of the site is a prerequisite for ensuring that the concrete mixing plant can operate in an orderly manner, so it is very important.
    Site selection and planning must first determine the overall footprint, and then plan equipment footprint, sand and other raw materials to occupy land, office areas, parking areas and so on. First of all, to determine the footprint of the equipment, then how small does the small concrete mixing plant equipment need to occupy? The small equipment takes 50 stations as an example. The area of ​​the equipment itself is about 20m*14m. In addition to other office areas, the parking area and the like generally require about two or three acres of land.
    The construction of the concrete mixing plant site is mainly based on the convenience of production. The layout of the main machine, batching machine, material pile, etc. should be rationally designed. If other supporting facilities are to be added, the equipment land should be increased. In general, most manufacturers, such as Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery, can provide a reasonable installation plan and provide installation services while providing excellent equipment to users. This problem can be solved.

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