How much is the price of a small concrete mixer?
Concrete mixer equipment is the main equipment for the production of concrete. The size of the model determines the production capacity. The small type of mixer is very popular in the market because of its small footprint, strong production capacity and low price. In the various types of
concrete mixers produced by the Jianxin Machinery, the sales volume of small mixers have been very high. When customers consult small concrete mixers, price is one of the main considerations.

Each type of mixer is available in a variety of small, medium and large models. For the forced concrete mixers that are currently popular in the market, the mandatory small mixer models generally refer to: JS500 concrete mixer, JS750 concrete mixer and JS1000 concrete mixer. During the customer consultation, the customer is more concerned about the price of these small mixers. Next, Jianxin will introduce these JS500 concrete mixers to you. The theoretical production capacity per hour is 25 cubic meters, and the actual production capacity is about 20 cubic meters. The pld800 batching machine and other concrete mixing equipment are combined into a hzs25 mixing station for 25 mixing station mainframes. The theoretical production capacity of JS750 concrete mixer per hour is 35 cubic meters concrete. The actual production capacity is about 30 cubics, often combined with pld1200 batching machine and other concrete mixing equipment into hzs35 mixing station, used as 35 mixing station host. The theoretical production capacity of JS1000 concrete mixer per hour is 60 cubic concrete. The actual production capacity is about 40-50 cubics, often combined with pld1600 batching machine and other concrete mixing equipment into hzs50 mixing station or hzs60 mixing station, used as 50 or 60 mixing station host.
Depending on the production capacity, the price of different types of forced mixers is also different. The price of Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery compulsory mixer ranges from 20,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan. For details, please call the Jianxin Machinery Sales Hotline for detailed quotation.
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